26 years of experience in Womens Health.
- Registered Women's Health Nurse Practitioner
- Post graduate/nurse practitioner education: Emory University.
- Ongoing training in integrative medicine: Institute for Functional Medicine.
- Extensive personal research and clinical application in environmental medicine.
My story
As a healthcare provider who considers the lifelong history of each of my patients, I often reflect on my personal health story.
As a small child growing up in the seventies I was "privileged" to receive regular and advanced medical care. I was the only child of loving parents who, with best intentions, took me to the pediatrician with every minor sniffle and sore throat leading to what I consider the very beginning of my eventual health catastrophe.
Years and years of repeated antibiotic use eventually led to an extreme immune dysfunction that I recognize as a major catalyst in what has been a very complex health history for me. In addition to regular pediatric visits, I was also a regular visitor to the dentist and by my early twenties had a mouth full of silver amalgams which eventually exposed my system to an excess of toxic mercury. The combination of these two things, genetics and a variety of environmental exposures such as Lyme disease and indoor toxic mold, eventually left me nearly bedridden and by my mid thirties I clearly realized I was very ill.
As I searched for answers from some of the countries most well respected physicians I received very little help and few answers; "You look fine" they would say and "Your labs are all normal". I heard this again and again - nothing's wrong. You must be depressed.
My story is not unique. Although discouraged and afraid I was certainly not depressed. After continually being dismissed I decided for me, my family and my survival to fight for wellness. I began extensive research to understand the mysterious multiple debilitating symptoms that plagued my once healthy body. As a result of my efforts, I largely transformed my health by coming to an understanding about health challenges that few physicians recognize.
As a result of my experience and tenacity to search for answers I have transformed my health in so many ways. I have battled and largely won the fight against autoimmune disease and I truly believe I am living a life that will allow me to prevent chronic illness.
My view of medicine and how to treat my patients greatly shifted as well. After working for 15 years in conventional western medicine, I made the transition to expand my practice to incorporate all aspects of integrative medicine. Over the last ten years, I have had the privlege to work in collaboration with many of the most knowledgable, integrative physicians in the country.
Many people suffer needlessly because of lack of information or misinformation. I will never dismiss any patient that walks through my doors and consider it my privilege to assist them.
I have had the honor of helping to make very sick people well again. It is my life's passion to share what I've learned to help others be optimally well!
In gratitude,
Libby Gibson