Lyme Disease.
Lyme Disease is an inflammatory disease caused by a spirochete (cork-screwed-shaped bacteria) generally transmitted by ticks. Although not as common here in South Georgia, I have several clients who were infected with Lyme Disease in our area. Lyme is called “The Great Imitator,” because its symptoms mimic many other diseases. It can affect any organ of the body, including the brain and nervous system,
muscles and joints, and the heart. Patients with Lyme disease are frequently misdiagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and various psychiatric illnesses, including depression. Misdiagnosis with these other diseases may delay the correct diagnosis and treatment as the underlying infection progresses unchecked. "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 300,000 people are diagnosed with Lyme disease in the US every year. That’s 1.5 times the number of women diagnosed with breast cancer, and six times the number of people diagnosed with HIV/AIDS each year in the US. However, because diagnosing Lyme can be difficult, many people who actually have Lyme may be misdiagnosed with other conditions. Many experts believe the true number of cases is much higher." Testing for Lyme Disease is still poor and if your blood is sent to a lab that does not test sensitively enough you may be infected with Lyme Disease but the markers may not show up. As such, Lyme Disease is best diagnosed by symptoms. |
The website is the most comprehensive, easy-to-understand information source I've found that details whole-body, comprehensive treatment plan(s) options for Lyme Disease and it's co-infections. Yes, where there is Lyme there is likely a co-infection or several as well. They offer a self-help on-line book that is consistently updated. It is published by leading Lyme Literate Medical Doctors Marty Ross MD and Tara Brooke ND.
Begin with their Successful Treatment Recipe. It is designed to:
The focus is on: 1. Sleep 2. Diet 3. Cytokine Control (inflammation) 4. Adaptogen (stress of being ill) 5. Hormones 6. Essential Micronutrients 7. Yeast 8. Lyme Infection Treatment 9. Detoxification 10. Coinfections Treatment 11. Additional Natural Medicines |
If you have been diagnosed with and treated for Lyme disease and haven't made a full recovery or if you suspect that you have been infected, I would be honored to assist you in regaining your health.
Together we will take a comprehensive whole body approach to creating and
maintaining health and wellness.
- Libby
Together we will take a comprehensive whole body approach to creating and
maintaining health and wellness.
- Libby